Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Education in 20 Years Time-will children ever need pen and paper???

Today we made a Wiki website.
Before today I was not sure what a wiki website was... now I know that it is a web application which allows users to freely edit and adapt the content and structure of the web page. 

Characteristics of a Wiki Website
  • Wiki supports hyperlinks and embeds videos and images.
  • It differs from a blog through there not being one defined owner of the account , you can add in users to create and adapt the web page.
  • Wiki page does not have much structure to it so the users can basically do what they want a need to suit them.
You can also set it up to be a private account so only you and your friends or chosen users can use and are allowed to edit the website.

We used a site called PBWORKS to set up our wiki website. There is a clear 'get started' button which gives you an option of 6 links to choose from. There is a link for Wiki Hub. Our lecturer helped us create our wiki website and gave all our class a username and link to use the website.

The whole class had access to our wiki website and it was interesting to see everyone putting their own style to the front page.  The theme for the class  wiki site was 'Technology Through The Ages.' 

We were then split into groups and my group's theme was Education in 20 Years Time. I found this website similar to a blog but it made it possible for other members of my group to edit our page from their computer. For example I wrote about what I thought technology would be like within the next 20 years and saved the page, then Chris from his computer was able to edit the work and add in video link. 

We found this video extremely interesting and basically it summed up what we thought technology would be like in the future. It was amazing to see how advanced technology could get within a school classroom. This really made me think would there be need for pen and paper? Would children ever need to learn how to write?  


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